Friday, March 26, 2010

It's Been Too Long, Friends!

I could write my own book based on the events which have unfolded during these past few weeks. You've heard the expression "When it rains, it pours." Well, you could say I've been living on the Ark and I've finally received word that there may be land close by! Have you ever been there, friend? I'm sure you have! Let's just say that after a job change, car accident, three trips to Beaumont for my Granny's surgery, time in ICU, and funeral, shopping for a 'new to us' car to replace the one which was totaled, a virus, allergies, and a birthday party...I've also been battling two months of constant morning sickness! That's right; it's exactly what you think it is. I'm pregnant. And it was quite a surprise to us too. Well, that being said, I sincerely apologize for not updating the (Lit)erbug blog for the past month. (My brother-in-law, Joseph, has been quite frustrated with me. ;0)) However, I'm planning on making it up to you, friend! Oh, I've missed you and have so much to share with you!

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Well congratulations on being pregnant, I had not heard the good news! ~Jill
