Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fool Moon Rising

How appropriate that on the most recent full moon, I came into possession of this newly released picture book, Fool Moon Rising. Kristi and T. Lively Fluharty have taken a simple character trait, humility, and written a story of cosmic proportions. Though the book is written for children, I still struggle with moments of self-glorification much like the moon does in this wonderfully rhyming tale. Maybe I'm the only one, but I seriously doubt that! The illustrations are vivid and appeal to a preschool audience, however, the moral and some of the vocabulary (pompous, cosmonauts, boast, pride, reflecting, grace) are concepts that probably eluded my preschooler. You may spend a lot of time explaining these concepts and risk losing attention. My advice is to read it multiple times (over several days), discussing a new word or two each time you read it. I find that it always helps to ask my daughter what she remembers about the book before we reread.

Overall, I'd give this book a B+. The rhyme has great rhythm, the illustrations are colorful and comical, and the overall message will apply to all children, no matter their age, personality or reading ability. My only disappointments were the fact that there was no real climax to the story. Merely seeing a "piercing ray" from the sun was enough to illuminate the main character's prideful past and transform the moon into a repentant "sinner". Then the moon appeared to never have a prideful thought again. Not really realistic. It's almost as if a few pages were missing and the ending seemed abrupt.

My absolute favorite part of the book was two questions quoted from the Bible and printed just inside the cover. They blend seamlessly with the story and it's main message.

What do you have that God hasn't given you? And if everything you have is from God, why do you boast as though it were not a gift? 1 Corinthians 4:7, NLT

Friend, let me end then by saying everything I am and have is because of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Jonathan, for buying me the book and for putting up with all my "book talk".
Thank you, E and J for being my adorable reading audience.
Thank you, friends, for taking time out of your day to constantly support, encourage, and inspire me!

As always, I'm checking back every few minutes to see what you think! Ha! Let me know if there's something I need to read! Any day now I should be receiving On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: Adventure. Peril. Lost Jewels. And the Fearsome Toothy Cows of Skree. Andrew Peterson's first book in The Wingfeather Saga. I can hardly wait to read and share it with you!

Lesson Ideas for Fool Moon Rising will follow shortly, friend!


  1. Thank you, Terribly Interesting! I'd like to "reflect" that compliment and give God glory for allowing me to write and creating in me a heart for children and literature!

  2. Now I have to read the book! Didn't know of your passion for books. Just spoke w/Celeste and it was so endearing to hear her explain what it meant to her. Thanks for sharing it. I'd like to read it on Sunday after LG.

  3. I'll bring it to LG on Sunday and you can keep it all week if you'd like! I'm so glad that Celeste liked it. I can't remember if A was in the room when I read it. And I know D didn't hear it. They'll probably like it a lot.
