Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Extending "Fool Moon Rising"

Good morning, friends! Thankfully, all my children are napping right now. Well, all but one sweet stinkbug who is temporarily occupied by throwing popcorn down from her seat at the table. I figure that's easy enough to clean up, and she's eating at least half of it! Anyway, that buys me a few minutes to post some of my activity ideas for Fool Moon Rising, written by Kristi and T. Lively Fluharty. These ideas were developed with my preschoolers in mind. Modify as needed for your little (lit)er bugs!

Science Activity: I'm all about not having to spend a lot of money or waste precious time preparing for an activity. This one should be extremely easy. All you need is a flashlight and a dark room. We used our guest bathroom since there is no window. The girls were so excited to "play" with their flashlights in the dark! We closed the door and turned out the lights, then turned on one flashlight to begin our experiment. First we shined the flashlight directly at the mirror and discovered that the light appeared on the wall directly behind us. Discussion about how the flashlight was pointing in one direction yet the light appeared in another led to talk about "bouncing" light....I reintroduced the vocabulary word "reflecting". Over the next few minutes we shined the flashlight at just about everything in the bathroom, checking for reflected light. We noticed that the shower tile, chrome fixtures and the potty each reflected light differently. And don't forget to test the reflective properties of water...just remember to make sure the potty is flushed first!

Character/Art/Writing Activity: To really teach the concept of humility and thankfulness, I had my girls make thank you notes for some important people...their Dance Teachers, Sunday School teachers, and their Daddy. We talked about how we couldn't be such wonderful dancers without patient teachers. We wouldn't know all the words to the puppet songs if our teachers didn't prepare all those puppet shows each week. And well, we wouldn't have much without a daddy that provides for us, protects us and encourages us to do great things! Since my little love bugs don't write yet, I penned the thank yous and they illustrated the notes!

So try something fun with or without this book! I'd love to hear about your experiences if you try one of these activities! Ok, popcorn is no longer interesting!!!! Gotta go, friends!

1 comment:

  1. I loved my cards. I'll bring them to the office and display them proudly! -Daddy
